Friday, November 9, 2012

Lazy Housewife Syndrom...

Oh dear,,, am I suffering from a case of "LHWS" ????
or could it be that.... we are getting ready to install flooring this weekend?
 Yepadoodle! I can hardly wait to have my new flooring in......
 as you can see, by my coffee mug, reading glasses and stack of craft books on the coffee table... I have been enjoying these past few LHWS days...
 So if you don't hear or see me (us) for the next few days,,, don't worry, it means we are either laying the floor or making  multiple trips back into town to pick up that 'something' we forgot to initially buy! lol!
 Oh and yes, not only have I not vacuumed for nearly a week, but I have not dusted either, so don't look to close! lol!
The only one who is really enjoying this mess...right now is our Peekaboo kitty...she loves all the fun things to play on and in and under.....
Ok, wish us luck and do feel free to come over and lend a helping hand !lol!


  1. Oh my ,my blog post is very similar to yours today. Two great minds at work.... or should I say not at work. lol lol

  2. Its not clear from your post where you are laying new flooring and what kind is it?


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