Monday, April 20, 2020

Staying Safe at Home...

Good Stars!, you would think with all this 'staying at home'... I'd get a ton of things done,, and even get caught up on my UFO projects.. but Nope!,, I am more behind then before.. LOL!
I do, do a lot of puttering both in the house and outside.. I have several "To-Do's... to do!
But in between I do manage to get a few things done...
 on one of the rare sunny days,, I took advantage of the sunshine and breeze and used my 'solar dryer'.
 made some more yoyo bunnies....
 Gary made me a lovely and very comfortable handle for my crochet hook...
 more bunnies, yep, they 'multiply like rabbits'... lol!
 I finished sewing a 112 YOYOs for a project...
 and had fun making these cute felt lady bugs....
 I also did some machine embroidery.....
 I finaly finished up this little wool felt project....
 Hubby brought these home for me... FREE!  guess what they will become???
 I also have these 2 basins to use for gardening... the black one will be for my carrots and the blue one for chives and parsley...
 I made myself a new Lavender & rice (heat/cold) pillow....ahhh!, the lavender smells fabulous!
I can heat it in the microwave for 20 seconds when I need a Heat wrap,, and I can put it in the freezer for 30 minutes when I need a cold pack/wrap...
 I finally got around to making a YOYO Owl.. it was a bit tricky, but all that is needed to complete it is to sew on the feet, over a twig/branch...
 yep,,, here are those 112 yoyos... I made it into a table topper.
 I also finished up this wee quilted and applique pin cushion .. now all I need is some silica sand for it and then stitch it up closed.
 here is another table topper made from pink and green Maryjane Butters, Fabric...
 So easy to stitch up...  this one is smaller,, only 45 yoyos....
 Well here it is,, my new enclosed garden... complete with table and chairs to sit in and enjoy a glass of white wine as I watch my garden grow.
 hopefully I will be able to plant all my seedlings in the raised beds and containers this coming week end.
 I puttered with some scrap fabric and made these 2 quilt blocks...   not perfect, but they were fun to make. Still haven't decided what to do with them yet...
Red-White-Blue color theme...
Well that's pretty much it,,, don't have any photos of us weeding..... lol!
Have a great Week end...


  1. Fun projects for sure! Love the lady bugs! Happy Birthday!


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