Saturday, December 15, 2012

Victoria Magazine...

I had submitted a mini musing of mine to Victoria Magazine and ,,,oh Wowzers! it's in print, page 10 of the Jan/Feb issue of Victoria magazine...
I have been an avid fan of the magazine since the late 1980's, when I first started reading it.
I have one of those 'under bed' long plastic storage bins filled with old issues of Victoria as well as several stacks in another storage bin... I can't imagine parting with any of  my copies...
Victoria ceased publication for about 2 years but went back into publication much to mine and other readers joy.
Now to make a nice pot of tea and enjoy reading my magazine...


  1. Can you e-mail me a copy Grace? I don't think our library has that magazine. I would love to read it.

  2. Can't read the cover, it's sideways. Is this about things British or?


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