Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Hmmmm, I wonder what it is???

Well,,, while weeding in my Iris garden,, I noticed an odd plant coming up,, so I left it,, and after a few weeks, this is what it now looks like...
 if you click on the photo you will get a better view/larger photo...
My hubby searched this on a Flower Identifier App,,, and it appears to be,,, possibly...
either a decorative  Poppy... or a Opium Poppy!!!   Oh Dear!!!
If it is a Opium Poppy,,, my neighbors have some explain to do!!!  LOLOL!
And, today I noticed,,, there is a 2nd one coming up, just a few inches away from this one...
Oh MY Stars! I will be keeping an eye on them!

1 comment:

  1. Quite interesting. You'll have to keep us posted.


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