Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Wowzers! it's starting to get hot here...

Well we are finally getting some real 'summer' weather.. we have been in the 90's lately... and my garden is showing it...
My garden has also been invaded by Grass Hoppers, both the green ones as well as the brown ones.. and they are destroying my Roses too!
Uugh! I refuse to us chemical pesticides.. ..I can only hope that the birds will feast on the Grass Hoppers,, and soon!
My Hubby on 'big yellow' was heading out to the front of our property to do some grading,, while Charlie, (in the back ground), was getting ready to cut Hay on the back 12 acres of our property...  (big) boys and their toys!!!....
 In the mean time, I puttered in my sewing room... I managed to make a few more masks,, and got some machine embroidery completed as well..
Hubby and I took a break and drove into Spokane to get caught up with some errands... and I managed to talk him into letting me hit a Thrift Shop... where I found these...
 2 crisp hand linens, a hand stitch hanky and a small mini quilt.. $1.99 total for all.
I think the motif is that of a floral wreath. With 4  flowers and the green would be the leaves.....
what do you think?
 The mini quilt is a shy 12 x12 inch quilt,, and the little blocks are about the size of a thumb nail.
The quilt maker, hand top stitched the flowers... and signed her name and year on the back side.. 
"Jayne Belle, 1989".. I wonder who she was,,, what her motivation was to make this sweet mini quilt... was it her 1st quilt? her last? did she make it for a friend or just something for her to keep her hands busy?
If only this mini quilt could talk.
Happy Wednesday.....


  1. It IS hot and getting hotter in the next few days. You're brave going shopping. I haven't been in a thrift shop in months. Which one did you find your goodies in? Take care and try to stay cool.

    1. North West Christin.. we had to go over to the shop on Francis to pick up more irrigation stuff.. so on the way back we stopped into NWC... Hubby waited in the car and I had my gloves and mask on... and then alcohaled my self silly with sanitizer after I got out of the store. everything was left in the garage until I put into the washer or Lysol sprayed.. I found a couple of nice black iron wall sconces for my daughter.. I will re-paint them. <><

  2. North West Christin.. we had to go over to the shop on Francis to pick up more irrigation stuff.. so on the way back we stopped into NWC... Hubby waited in the car and I had my gloves and mask on... and then alcohaled my self silly with sanitizer after I got out of the store. everything was left in the garage until I put into the washer or Lysol sprayed.. I found a couple of nice black iron wall sconces for my daughter.. I will re-paint them. <><

  3. Hallo liebe Grace,
    das sieht man schon auf dem Foto, dass es heiß bei euch ist, puh!
    Du hast sehr schöne Stoffe für die Masken genommen, dieses Modell habe ich auch schon genäht, perfekt!
    Und dein Einkauf ist ja super, ein Schnäppchen und soooo schön!
    Hab ein schönes Wochenende, liebe Grüße, Jutta


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