There is something comfortable about 're-visiting the mid-century decor and life style.... Maybe for me it's because my father was career Military and we moved every 2 years from Germany to the US and back to Germany... so I never got to set 'roots' and we traveled light... I never got to experience that "Mayberry" hometown where you could go up to Granny's attic and dig up old hats and what nots to play with...so collecting all these goodies fills that void.
I go gaga over Lucite grape clusters, and then there is my vintage Irons, Mixers & Sewing machines and hats...an ever growing collection..... Poor Gary, he had no idea what he was getting into when he met me back in High School..... but alas, my Prince Charming has stuck by me, through thick, thin & hair brained collections,, truth be known,, he has as much fun collecting as I do!
You two are quite a pair!!....a match made in Heaven! I just love your wonderful collections....such fun!