Monday, January 16, 2012

Horse Power...

Oh my word! have you seen the price of gas lately?
I have really been contemplating what type of 'horse power' I want...
So, let me introduce you to "Duster' my new horse!
Yep, she is a mature lady, a registered Quarter horse who is currently living with a friend of mine over in Portland, Oregon.
Duster will stay there until late Spring plus she will be getting a refresher course in Horsey 101.
Duster is currently in her Winter coat, what you are looking at is her in her Summer coat.
I have a feeling she and I are going to become the best of friends and.... she is going to provide me with lots of "Garden Gold" to nourish my garden plants! lol!
Now for the fun part... Gary will be working on fencing & a stall for her while I go shopping for all of her necessary horsey Bling! I can hardly wait! I am beyond excited to get her and start riding..again,,, maybe I need a refresher course! lol!


  1. Oh, she is so pretty! A real beauty...can't wait to see her.
    Thanks for the fun day thrifting.

  2. She is beautiful! Absolutely beautiful!

  3. Pretty! Make sure and compost your manure first, as the seeds won't die in their digestive track, and will grow weeds...

  4. You lucky, YOU!!! I miss my horses! But you give me hope...just have to get my acreage and maybe a buggy? Maybe it would be easier and cheaper just to join an Amish community? Do you automatically get a horse and buggy when you join?
    She's GORGEOUS! Is that how you''re getting to town come Spring?
    Congrats to you and to her!


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